Our Mission
To demonstrate a social, economic, and environmental approach to natural resource management, climate disruption solutions, youth and community education, and increased economic development in the pursuit of continual improvement of the quality of life for present and future generations.
Our Vision
● To promote and share an understanding of the inter-relationships between people and their environment. LCRI believes that
by promoting healthy ecosystems, natural resource products can provide economic opportunities to local communities.
● To develop opportunities for family-wage jobs through economically ecologically sound and sustainable practices. LCRI is active in educating the workforce about economic opportunities that result from managing forests for ecological health and helping local workers access federal contracting opportunities.
● To encourage and facilitate new ideas and technologies. LCRI is currently involved in demonstrating new technologies such as small diameter tree shears, low psi harvesting equipment and new opportunities such as small diameter wood products and renewable energy solutions.
● Design and manage resource-based projects and services in the communities of Lake County, Oregon. LCRI is working in several partnerships to provide local employment through benefits to the land–examples include biophysical monitoring, and stream restoration.

Commitment To Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Lake County Resources Initiative (LCRI) seeks to demonstrate environmental, social and economic solutions to natural resource management, climate change, community education and economic development to improve the quality of life for present and future generations. This includes combatting the systemic racism that so often defines people’s socio-economic status and access to our natural environment. Climate and environmental problems disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities’ health, safety and economic stability.
To help our whole community we need to commit to supporting the most vulnerable among us. We recognize Oregon’s own history of racial injustice, starting with the state’s constitution that originally barred Black citizens from residing within the state, and that the consequences of these injustices are still with us today. We also recognize and celebrate the vibrancy and resiliency of the diverse voices, populations and histories within Lake County.
LCRI cannot successfully build up our county’s economic, social and environmental standing without actively working to break down the systems of oppression found in our communities. BIPOC are disproportionately underrepresented in Oregon particularly within rural and remote communities in South Central Oregon. We strive to create an environment that supports BIPOC members engaging in this crucial work. We are committed to breaking down these systems of oppression and creating more equitable access to our programs, natural environments and community resources.
To this end, we commit to:
Understanding and interrupting oppression by educating and training our staff on the collective history of our region, methods of community engagement that seek to include diverse populations and understanding our inherited privilege as a predominantly white run organization and how we can use that privilege to advocate for our underrepresented communities.
Using these understandings to help guide every aspect of our work, including how we hire, train and support staff, interact with community members, select project areas, and pursue funding sources.
Pursuing project areas that directly support the BIPOC members of our community and strive to create programs that help to diversify the natural resource and renewable energy fields by making technologies more widely accessible to our marginalized communities through education and advocacy.
Processing feedback, confronting our own shortcomings, growing our awareness and skills, and adjusting our culture and work approaches.
Continuing to revisit this statement on an annual basis and making changes to reflect the growth that has and needs to happen within our organization as we approach new projects in our community.
We are committed to this work and understand that this will be an ongoing process of change and education for our organization and community as we have not done enough of this work in the past but are dedicated to lifting up the diverse voices in our community and our field.
– LCRI Board and Staff

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LCRI plays a vital role in ensuring the people and ecosystems of Lake County support one another. Your donation furthers LCRI’s work to facilitate meaningful dialog and cooperation between the economic and natural resource interests of Lake County.
LCRI is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that operates on support from foundations, corporations, government agencies and individual citizens. All donations to LCRI are tax deductible. If you like the work we are doing and would like to contribute to LCRI please contact us at the following address: