REDA Grant in Partnership with the University of Oregon Resource Assistance for Rural Environments - RARE AmeriCorps
Welcome to the Renewable Energy Development Assistance (REDA) program at Lake County Resources Initiative! Our aim is to drive energy advancements in rural Oregon by offering technical assistance to small business owners and agricultural producers who wish to adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions which will benefit the applicant’s operations directly. The REDA program aims to bridge the gap between energy technologies and rural communities. Through strategic partnerships and grant funding, REDA facilitates the annual recruitment of a dedicated RARE AmeriCorps member. This member implements the key features of REDA, collaborates with network partners, and allows easy access to no-cost grant writing assistance.
Key Features of REDA:
Rural Focus: Our program prioritizes rural small business owners and agricultural producers in Oregon, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities they face in adopting renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions.
Technical Assistance: The heart of REDA lies in providing expert technical assistance at no cost to participants. Our RARE AmeriCorps member is equipped with the knowledge and skills to guide clients through the process of integrating clean energy solutions into their day-to-day operations.
Grant Funding: We understand that financial support is crucial for the successful implementation of clean energy projects. REDA allows us to seek out stackable funding from various entities including ODOE, ETO, USDA, NRCS, and more to maximize the client’s financial savings and lower out of pocket costs.
Statewide Involvement: Going on our third year of hosting a statewide energy convening of partner organizations, it is safe to say that our REDA network is vast. We do not have the reach or means to do this work on our own, nor do we want to. We rely heavily on our network to support us in this work, and oftentimes that means collaborating on projects, best practices, and discussing gaps. Our RARE AmeriCorps is our REDA network liaison, and hosts regular meetings of other institutions that hold REDA grants, including Oregon Department of Energy, Spark NorthWest, Wy’East RC&D, and more.
Partnership with RARE AmeriCorps:
Without our partnership with the U of O and the Resource Assistance for Rural Environments AmeriCorps (RARE) Program, we would not have the privilege of hosting a new AmeriCorps member each year, and we would not have the ability to leverage the Statewide RARE network to create new, meaningful partnerships and build upon our knowledge of the happenings in other rural communities here in Oregon. The RARE program has had a profound impact here. Many RARE AmeriCorps Alumni carried on to have careers with the organization that hosted them or with other reputable organizations across the state. Two of LCRI’s current staff are RARE Alumni, and we have one active member of RARE on our team.
Get Involved:
If you are a rural small business owner or agricultural producer in Oregon and are interested in exploring renewable energy options or energy efficiency upgrades, we invite you to participate in the REDA program. Together, we can work towards a sustainable and resilient future for our communities.
USDA Rural Energy for America Program / Renewable Energy Development Assistance Links:
Oregon Department of Energy - Rural Energy Audit Program Main Page
Oregon Department of Energy REDA Audit - Intake Form